Basic R Commands Cheat Sheet

Given below is a list of useful cheatsheets for R: Data Wrangling in R ggplot2 Cheatsheet Shiny Cheatsheet devtools Cheatsheet markdown Cheatsheet, reference Data Exploration Cheatsheet. #paired.r #test for difference of dependent correlations #count.pairwise #count the number of good cases when doing pairwise analysis #eigen.loadings #convert eigen vector vectors to factor loadings by unnormalizing them. Do you want to learn more? Also check out and star the Exploratory Data Analysis in R: Case Study course, also taught by David Robinson, for free now! Also, don't miss out on our data.table cheat sheet for data manipulation in R and our other cheat sheets for data science. (Click above to download a printable version or read the online version.

Basic Processing

Fundamental commands in Stata to import, explore, summarize, and create new variables

There are many commands for performing operations and processes on your Linux system. No matter whether you are new to Linux or an experienced user, having a list of common commands close at hand is helpful. In this tutorial, you will find commonly used Linux commands as well as a downloadable cheat sheet with syntax and examples.

Data Transformation

Selecting portions of datasets, replacing and labeling data, reshaping, merging, string manipulation, and saving

Creating Data Visualizations

Syntax and arguments for plotting functions

Customizing Data Visualizations

Options to change the appearance of plots

Data Analysis

Summarize data, declare data, conduct statistical tests, and estimate models


A gentle introduction to programming building blocks

List Of R Commands

Stata 14.1 Cheatsheets


R cheat sheets

RStudio cheat sheets: Cheat sheets with functions from the most useful R packages

Basic R Commands Cheat Sheet

vi is one of the most commonly used editor program and included by default with every UNIX and linux system. vi basically operates in 3 modes, namely :

  1. vi mode – the mode vi starts in
  2. command mode – you can be in command mode from the vi mode by pressing the key colon (“:”)
  3. input mode – in this mode user starts the actual editing of the text

Below are some of the most commonly used vi commands in all 3 modes of operation.

Base R Cheat Sheet

vi mode commands

kMove one line upwards
lMove one character to the right
hMove one character to the left
wMove one word to the right
WMove one word to the right past punctuation
bMove one word to the left
BMove one word to the left past punctuation
eMove to the end of the current word
1GMove to the beginning of the file
HMove to the top of the current screen
MMove to the middle of the current screen
LMove to the bottom of the current screen
Ctrl-GMove to the last line in the file
Ctrl-FMove one screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-DMove 1/2 screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-BMove one screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-UMove 1/2 screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-LRefresh the screen
5GMove to line 5 of the file (5 can be any line number)
/stringFind text string forward
?stringFind text string backward
nFind forward next string instance after a string search
NFind backward next string instance after a string search
ZZSave the file exit vi
xDelete the character at the cursor
XDelete the character behind the cursor
ddDelete the line the cursor is on
10ddDelete the 10 lines following the cursor
yyYank the current line
pPut the yanked line below the current line
PPut the yanked line above the current line

Command mode commands

:g/X/s//x/gGlobal Search and replace (X=search object x=replace object)
:r fileImport a file into the current file
:34 r fileImport a file into the current file after line 34
:wWrite out the file to save changes
:w fileWrite the file to named file
:wqSave the file exit vi
:w!Force save the file
:q!Quit vi but don’t save changes

Input mode commands

Cheat sheet for r
aInsert characters to the right of the cursor
AAppend characters to the current line
iInsert characters to the left of cursor
IInsert characters at the beginning of the current line
oAdd a new line after current line
OInsert a new line above the current line