Ctrl Alt L Phpstorm

  1. Intellij Idea - Disable Global Ctrl-Alt-L Hotkey In KDE ...
  2. See More Results
  3. Reformat And Rearrange Code - Help | PhpStorm
  4. 105 Shortcuts For JetBrains PhpStorm - ShortcutWorld.com

IntelliJ IDEA has keyboard shortcuts for most of its commands related to editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and other tasks. Memorizing these hotkeys can help you stay more productive by keeping your hands on the keyboard.


If your keyboard does not have an English layout, IntelliJ IDEA may not detect all of the shortcuts correctly.

The following table lists some of the most useful shortcuts to learn:

Intellij: how to undo formatting CTRL+ALT+L? Now the svn diff is a mess. CTRL+Z did not work. Svn revert: does not work since there are many changes in addition to formatting. How to disable a. Phpstorm reformat code not working Reformat and rearrange code - Help, Either open your file in the editor and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L or in the Project tool window, right-click the file and select Reformat Code. From the main menu, select Code Reformat Ctrl+Alt+L. If you don't select a code fragment, PhpStorm will reformat the whole file. While in the editor, select the necessary code fragment and press Ctrl+Alt+I. If you need to adjust indentation settings, in the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, go to Editor Code Style. On the appropriate language page, on the Tabs and Indents tab, specify the appropriate indents options and click OK. Select code to reformat and press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L This is tested and working (Ubuntu), cheers! Apr 05, 2021 PhpStorm provides several possibilities to learn shortcuts: Find Action is the most important command that enables you to search for commands and settings across all menus and tools. Press Ctrl+Shift+A and start typing to get a list of suggested actions. Then select the necessary action and press Enter to execute it.

Intellij Idea - Disable Global Ctrl-Alt-L Hotkey In KDE ...

Double Shift

Quickly find any file, action, symbol, tool window, or setting in IntelliJ IDEA, in your project, and in the current Git repository.


Find a command and execute it, open a tool window, or search for a setting.


Quick-fixes for highlighted errors and warnings, intention actions for improving and optimizing your code.


Jump to the next or previous highlighted error.


Select a recently opened file from the list.


Insert any necessary trailing symbols and put the caret where you can start typing the next statement.


Reformat the whole file or the selected fragment according to the current code style settings.


Refactor the element under the caret, for example, safe delete, copy, move, rename, and so on.


Increase or decrease the scope of selection according to specific code constructs.


Comment out a line or block of code.


Navigate to the initial declaration of the instantiated class, called method, or field.


Show all places where a code element is used across your project.

Alt+1Focus the Project tool window
EscapeFocus the editor

If you are using one of the predefined keymaps for your OS, you can print the default keymap reference card and keep it on your desk to consult it if necessary. This cheat sheet is also available under Help | Keymap Reference.

Choose the right keymap

Intellij idea - Disable global Ctrl-Alt-L hotkey in KDE ...

To view the keymap configuration, open the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S and select Keymap.

Enable function keys and check for possible conflicts with global OS shortcuts.

See More Results

  • Use a predefined keymap

    IntelliJ IDEA automatically suggests a predefined keymap based on your environment. Make sure that it matches the OS you are using or select the one that matches shortcuts from another IDE or editor you are used to (for example, Eclipse or NetBeans ).

  • Tune your keymap

    You can modify a copy of any predefined keymap to assign your own shortcuts for commands that you use frequently.

  • Import custom keymap

    If you have a customized keymap that you are used to, you can transfer it to your installation.

Besides the default set of keymaps, you can add more as plugins (such as, keymaps for GNOME and KDE): open the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Plugins and search for keymap in the Marketplace.

If your keymap stopped working after an update, it is likely that the keymap is not available by default in the new version of IntelliJ IDEA. Find this keymap as a plugin and install it on the Plugins page as described in Manage plugins.

Learn shortcuts as you work


IntelliJ IDEA provides several possibilities to learn shortcuts:

  • Find Action is the most important command that enables you to search for commands and settings across all menus and tools.

    Press Ctrl+Shift+A and start typing to get a list of suggested actions. Then select the necessary action and press Enter to execute it.

  • Key Promoter X is a plugin that shows a popup notification with the corresponding keyboard shortcut whenever a command is executed using the mouse. It also suggests creating a shortcut for commands that are executed frequently.

  • If you are using one of the predefined keymaps for your OS, you can print the default keymap reference card and keep it on your desk to consult it if necessary. This cheat sheet is also available under Help | Keymap Reference.

  • To print a non-default or customized keymap, use the Keymap exporter plugin.

Reformat And Rearrange Code - Help | PhpStorm


If an action has a keyboard shortcut associated with it, the shortcut is displayed near the name of the action. To add a shortcut for an action that you use frequently (or if you want to change an existing shortcut), select it and press Alt+Enter.

Use advanced features

You can further improve your productivity with the following useful features:

105 Shortcuts For JetBrains PhpStorm - ShortcutWorld.com

  • Quick Lists

    If there is a group of actions that you often use, create a quick list to access them using a custom shortcut. For example, you can try using the following predefined quick lists:

    • Refactor thisCtrl+Alt+Shift+T

    • VCS OperationsAlt+`

  • IntelliJ IDEA provides a lot of typing assistance features, such as automatically adding paired tags and quotes, and detecting CamelHump words.

  • Speed search

    When the focus is on a tool window with a tree, list, or table, start typing to see matching items.

  • Press twice

    Many actions in IntelliJ IDEA provide more results when you execute them multiple times. For example, when you invoke basic code completion with Ctrl+Space on a part of a field, parameter, or variable declaration, it suggests names depending on the item type within the current scope. If you invoke it again, it will include classes available through module dependencies. When invoked for the third time in a row, the list of suggestions will include the whole project.

  • Resize tool windows

    You can adjust the size of tool windows without a mouse:

    • To resize a vertical tool window, use Ctrl+Shift+Left and Ctrl+Shift+Right

    • To resize a horizontal tool window, use Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down