Aug 21st, 2017 is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. We all love to level up. Scratching the XP itch feels good, so much so that Steam itself got in on the action. Every Steam user has a level, with higher levels granting bonuses like extra slots on. You can see in the top right, the Level of my Steam profile is 65, and upon clicking the number in the circle you are taken to a page which shows all the Steam badges that you have crafted/can craft (explained later) and at the top you can see a progress bar with how.
Steamlevels Youtube
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
- SteamWebsite ' Enter your website url here example: 'freecsgoskins.scamru' '
- let SteamUser = require('steam-user'),
- TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'),
- Utils = require('./utils.js'),
- allCards = {},
- fs = require('fs'),
- userMsgs = {},
- chatLogs = ',
- totalBotSets = 0;
- let client = new SteamUser(),
- 'steam': client,
- 'pollInterval': '10000',
- }),
- fs.readFile('./UserData/Users.json', (ERR, DATA) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while getting Users: ' + ERR);
- users = JSON.parse(DATA);
- });
- $user ' ' rewrit
- if (!ERR) {
- console.log('Card data loaded. [' + Object.keys(DATA).length + ']');
- console.log('An error occurred while getting cards: ' + ERR);
- });
- setInterval(() => {
- for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(users).length; i++) {
- if (users[Object.keys(users)[i]].idleforhours >= CONFIG.MAXHOURSADDED) {
- client.chatMessage(Object.keys(users)[i], 'Hi, you have been inactive on my friends list for too long. If you wish to use this bot again re-add it.');
- delete users[Object.keys(users)[i]];
- fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
- });
- users[Object.keys(users)[i]].idleforhours += 1;
- fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
- });
- }
- $setbot$ seasson pas=1
- }
- }, 1000);
- client.logOn({
- password: CONFIG.PASSWORD,
- twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.getAuthCode(CONFIG.SHAREDSECRET)
- client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => {
- console.log('## Logged in as #' + client.steamID + ' (' + personas[client.steamID].player_name + ')');
- client.setPersona(1);
- client.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => {
- if (ERR) {
- console.log('## An error occurred while setting cookies.');
- console.log('## Websession created and cookies set.');
- });
- community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET);
- client.blockUser('76561198337312992'); // Some people have tried to either crash the bot or buy it not directly from me, I'm going to make bots block them just in case. :)
- Utils.getInventory(client.steamID.getSteamID64(), community, (ERR, DATA) => {
- if (!ERR) {
- Utils.getSets(s, allCards, (ERR, DATA) => {
- if (!ERR) {
- console.log('## Bot's sets loaded.');
- for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(botSets).length; i++) {
- botNSets += botSets[Object.keys(botSets)[i]].length;
- totalBotSets = botNSets;
- if (CONFIG.PLAYGAMES && typeof(CONFIG.PLAYGAMES[0]) 'string') {
- playThis[0] = parseString(playThis[0], totalBotSets);
- client.gamesPlayed(playThis);
- console.log('## An error occurred while getting bot sets: ' + ERR);
- }
- } else {
- console.log('## An error occurred while getting bot inventory: ' + ERR);
- });
- community.on('sessionExpired', (ERR) => {
- client.webLogOn();
- if (userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()]) {
- } else {
- userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()].push(MSG);
- fs.writeFile('./ChatLogs/UserLogs/' + SENDER.getSteamID64() + '-log-' + new Date().getDate() + '-' + new Date().getMonth() + '-' + new Date().getFullYear() + '.json', JSON.stringify({ logs: userLogs[SENDER.getSteamID64()] }), (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserLogs file: ' + ERR);
- });
- chatLogs += SENDER.getSteamID64() + ' : ' + MSG + 'n';
- fs.writeFile('./ChatLogs/FullLogs/log-' + new Date().getDate() + '-' + new Date().getMonth() + '-' + new Date().getFullYear() + '.txt', chatLogs, (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while writing FullLogs file: ' + ERR);
- });
- if (Object.keys(users).indexOf(SENDER.getSteamID64()) < 0) {
- users[SENDER.getSteamID64()].idleforhours = 0;
- fs.writeFile('./UserData/Users.json', JSON.stringify(users), (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while writing UserData file: ' + ERR);
- });
- users[SENDER.getSteamID64()].idleforhours = 0;
- if (userMsgs[SENDER.getSteamID64()]) {
- } else {
- }
- community.checkConfirmations();
- });
- });
- let onlySteam = true;
- for (let i = 0; i < OFFER.itemsToReceive.length; i++) {
- onlySteam = false;
- }
- OFFER.accept((ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while declining trade: ' + ERR);
- });
- } else {
- if (ERR) {
- console.log('## An error occurred while declining trade: ' + ERR);
- });
- });
- community.on('newConfirmation', (CONF) => {
- community.acceptConfirmationForObject(CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET,, (ERR) => {
- console.log('## An error occurred while accepting confirmation: ' + ERR);
- console.log('## Confirmation accepted.');
- });
- callback(Object.keys(SETS).sort((k1, k2) => SETS[k1].length - SETS[k2].length).reverse());
- callback(Object.keys(SETS).sort((k1, k2) => SETS[k1].length - SETS[k2].length));
- return INPUT.replace(':sets:', SETS);
RAW Paste Data

Steam Levels Xp